
Yobba: Youth Beyond Borders Association

Etiket: erasmusplus


Damla’nın Bulgaristan Eğitim Kursu Deneyimi

Hello! I was in Smolyan/Bulgaria a while ago for my first Erasmus+ project. Project name is “Activities of youth workers with young people at risk during a crisis”. I would like to say that it was a great opportunity to take a part in a project like that. I met


Bahar’ın İsveç Gençlik Değişimi Deneyimi

Hello everyone! Im Bahar. Recently, I have attended an Erasmus+ project in Sweden which completely changed my mindset and left me life lasting memories. Not to mention the friendships and new experiences… I would love to start with a metaphor. Imagine you are in a movie and you are going


Alper’in Makedonya Eğitim Kursu Deneyimi

Hi everyone , I am Alper Kartum. I am 19 years old and I am studying Industrial Engineering in Yildiz Technical University. I am on my second year. First of all I want to thank YOBBA for this amazing experience and Project they had given to me. I have been


İlke’nin İsveç Gençlik Değişimi Deneyimi

Hello, I am İlke Kocaoğlu. I’m a 24-year-old psychology student in İstanbul Medipol University. Nowadays I’m studying hard for my master’s degree applications. I have been participating to Erasmus+ youth exchange projects since November 2021. The project “Back to Business” in Sweden was my 3rd Erasmus+ youth exchange project. First,


Kerem’in Bulgaristan Eğitim Kursu Deneyimi

 I would like to state that I am happy to take part in the project called Active During Crisis, which was held in Smolyan/Bulgaria between 01.05.2022 - 10.05.2022. Participating from many nationalities in the first place increased intercultural interaction. The teacher's command of the subject was good. Although many of


YOBBA, seyahat etmeyi hayatının merkezine oturtmuş, seyahat etmenin ve farklı kültürlerde uzun süre bulunmanın bakış açısına olumlu etkisine inanan, yeni kültürler tanımanın insanı geliştirmedeki büyük gücünden ilham alan ve seyahati herkes için ulaşılabilir hale getirmeye çalışan arkadaşların bir araya gelmesiyle kurulmuş bir gençlik derneğidir.